Podizanje svijesti o održivoj prehrani kroz gamificirane i participativne aktivnosti u Španjolskoj, Sloveniji i Grčkoj. Naši prijatelji iz slovenske NVO Umanotera, organiziraju niz konferencija i kratkih online događanja, među kojima je prva tema Ekološka i zdrava...
Project duration from 9/2020 to 12/2022
Partner countries
Schools in project
Team members
Years of duration of the project
Held conferences
Project partners

IZT is one of the leading institutions for scientific future research in Europe and develops future-oriented studies with long-term social value. It supports decision makers in politics, business and society. Analyzing and evaluating trends, new technologies and their environment, IZT additionally supports the development of innovative sustainable products, processes and services in economy and politics.

The CLIKIS-Network project is financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) under contract number 81260355. EUKI is a project financing instrument of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Its implementation is supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Wuppertal Institute is a sustainability research think tank focused on impact and practical application to society. The goal of the research is to assess social change for a climate-neutral, resource-poor society to design a 1.5-degree lifestyle. Using sustainability and resource assessment, the Wuppertal Institute supports changes in businesses and households to enable sustainable production and consumption systems.

RED FORK is a company engaged in research and development in biotechnology and is a leading player in Croatia working to promote healthy nutrition. RED FORK collaborates with schools and kindergartens on a project called Healthy Meal Standard - Nutrition Category Management System. The last five years represent a unique combination of professional knowledge, passion and teamwork in the fields of biotechnology, nutrition, business and IT science.

The Estonian Green Movement (EGM) is a non-profit organization dealing with environmental protection. The goal of EGM is to improve the state of environmental protection and direct our society towards a green sustainable way of thinking. We have about 11 active employees and about 1000 members. The main areas of the campaign are the urban environment, consumption, environmental policy, energy and climate. We spread our word through education, direct action and public advocacy.
Project details
Climate-friendly and energy-efficient kitchens in schools
The project "CLIKIS - Climate and energy-efficient kitchens in schools" aims to contribute to climate protection and show how energy-efficient cooking can be achieved in school kitchens. School meals are a sensitive area: not only should they be cooked in a healthy, accessible way for children, but also the food for students should be of high quality. With the CLIKIS project, we want to balance these requirements with climate protection requirements.
Background of the project
Our services
Climate efficiency of the offered menus and their components as well as energy consumption in the kitchen
A brief analysis of your community kitchen and a discussion of possible optimization proposals from a climate protection perspective
Suggestions for climate-friendly and sustainable nutrition - not only for school kitchens
Climate-friendly weekly meal plan
Organic, FairTrade and MSC in your dishes
Presentation of the online emissions calculator such as "Klimateller" on the climatic importance of different food products
Climatic impacts of agriculture and nutrition
billions of tons of food are wasted every year
liters of water to produce one kilogram of chocolate
percentage of greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by 2030 in the EU
liters of water to produce one kilogram of beef
percent of global food waste comes from food services
Thank you for attending our online CLIKIS conference
Poštovani sudionici i govornici, Još jednom želimo zahvaliti svakome od vas što ste prisustvovali našoj online Zoom konferenciji. Također, želimo vas obavijestiti da ćemo sljedeći tjedan poslati prezentacije govornika, zajedno sa svim Padlet informacijama koje smo...
CLIKIS and Healthy Meal Standard CHEF’S ACADEMY
CLIKIS i Healthy Meal Standard CHEF’S ACADEMY je edukacija za kuharske djelatnike osnovnih škola Grada Siska koja se održala 19. ožujka 2022. godine u Osnovnoj školi Braće Bobetko. U CLIKIS-u i Healthy Meal Standard Academy for Culinary Workers održano je nekoliko...