Project Dynamic

What is the DYNAMIC project?

The project will address the need for more flexible pathways to acquire current industry-related skills needed to stimulate and sustain innovation in sectors identified by national smart specialization strategies and regional innovation in the new Member States. To this end, regular practical phases in companies will be integrated into ongoing engineering curricula to accelerate the updating of knowledge provided by higher education institutions. In order to achieve this, the project will apply the dual higher education model adapted to the county.

The goal of the DYNAMIC project is to develop, implement, test and validate 3 undergraduate programs in the fields of Mechatronics and Robotics (Sibiu, Romania), Shipbuilding and Construction (Varna, Bulgaria) and Mechanical Engineering and Production (Pula, Croatia).

In order to ensure the successful implementation of the 3 dual programs, the project will develop tool documentation and an evaluation of practical training for academic supervisors. In order to strengthen the training capacities of companies involved in dual education, the project will develop materials for the on-site training of industrial supervisors. The main intellectual result of the project is "Methodological guidelines for the design and implementation in practice of integrated dual programs of higher education in science and technology studies" in the context of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. The result will satisfy the need for a strategic approach in updating engineering curricula that include a dual education model.

Znanje i iskustvo stečeno tijekom projekta bit će sintetizirano u ovom metodološkom dokumentu koji će opisati različite skupove metoda korištenih u različitim fazama procesa. Potpuna predanost 16 partnera iz Bugarske, Rumunjske, Hrvatske, Njemačke i Austrije i aktivno uključivanje ključnih dionika osigurat će održivo dugoročno iskorištavanje rezultata projekta nakon životnog vijeka projekta.



Ukupni budžet projekta 679.644,00 EUR.

Uz potporu Erasmus+ programa Europske Unije

Official sites

Working packages

WP1: Project management and coordination
WP2: Analysis and definition of training content of undergraduate engineering curricula for implementation in an environment with integrated dual practice
WP4: Develop a trainer course for industrial supervisors in dual higher education programs
WP5: Pilot implementation of the approved dual curriculum integrated into practice
WP6: Methodological guidelines for the creation and implementation of higher education programs with integrated dual practice in science and technology studies
WP7: Dissemination and Exploitation


The partner consortium consists of many higher education institutions as well as private entities from Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Romania:

Jurja Dobrila University Pula, Croatia
Polytechnic Pula, Croatia
Holcim, Croatia
Uljanik, Croatia
RED FORK, Croatia
Hochschule Wismar, Germany;
Fachhoschule Joanneum, Graz, Austria;
"Lucian Blaga" University, Sibiu, Romania;
Marquardt Schaltsysteme SCS Sibiu, Romania;
Continental Automotive Systems Sibiu, Romania;
German-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria;
Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria;
Keppel FELS Baltech Ltd, Bulgaria;
MTG-Dolphin PLC, Bulgaria
RAABE Bulgaria Ltd, Bulgaria
